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Gate camping everyday won’t get Eve Isk anyone any smarter. Having people go out into empire and kill enemies, or piloting enemy territory and killing miners, or staging mock fleet battles between two squads in your corp.

These are all good things to get your players used to battle. In the event of the actual need to attack a target, or to defend your home territory you probably won’t have everyone on from so and so squad so you’ll have to rearrange things temporarily to get the job done.

When that happens use your good judgment, ask commanders to lead your troops and organize things in team-speak appropriately.

Say a safe-spot busting crew, or one squad who is experienced in guerilla warfare and frig ships. When you battle you’ll organize people by who’s on and who can do what so these command lines will change. But training up in squads is highly recommended.

Hopefully by organizing those battles a player knows when it’s time to warp out. And if he doesn’t get it in mock battles he’ll be punished by losing only his mods. I don’t know you take over from there. This brings me to the next topic.

Home » Site News » Ask commanders to lead your troops and ...

Gate camping everyday won’t get Eve Isk anyone any smarter. Having people go out into empire and kill enemies, or piloting enemy territory and killing miners, or staging mock fleet battles between two squads in your corp.

These are all good things to get your players used to battle. In the event of the actual need to attack a target, or to defend your home territory you probably won’t have everyone on from so and so squad so you’ll have to rearrange things temporarily to get the job done.

When that happens use your good judgment, ask commanders to lead your troops and organize things in team-speak appropriately.

Say a safe-spot busting crew, or one squad who is experienced in guerilla warfare and frig ships. When you battle you’ll organize people by who’s on and who can do what so these command lines will change. But training up in squads is highly recommended.

Hopefully by organizing those battles a player knows when it’s time to warp out. And if he doesn’t get it in mock battles he’ll be punished by losing only his mods. I don’t know you take over from there. This brings me to the next topic.

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